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Change Management is Not a One-Time Thing

November 04, 2020

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We often hear the term “change management” raised during a specific event – during the implementation of new technology, the transformation of business processes, or other strategic-focused projects.  But in reality, change management is a continual task in our world, which is constantly changing and ever unpredictable. It’s key to not merely address change management during an event, but rather to build mechanisms for change management into the business strategy itself. This increases flexibility, scalability, and adaptability for the long term and ensures the outcomes aren’t just a momentary victory, but a lasting success.

Leaders should view change not as an occasional disruptor but as the very essence of the management job. Setting tough goals, establishing processes to reach them, carrying out those processes and carefully learning from them — these steps should characterize the unending daily life of the organization at every level. More companies need to describe their work in terms of where they are trying to go in the next month or next quarter or next year.

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