What was your journey to joining Elevate as a Flexible resourcing lawyer?

I practised law as a contract lawyer for several companies over the past ten years, during which I became aware of Elevate. I joined the Elevate team because of their dedication to finding a good fit for my professional background.

What are your favourite things about working with Elevate?

Several things make my work with Elevate enjoyable. Above all, I appreciate the quality of the companies that use Elevate. I also like the breadth of work I do and how that has enabled me to develop a broader range of expertise than lawyers who work on a narrow set of topics. Finally, Elevate’s operational team greatly contributes to my enjoyment of my work – they are attentive and responsive in providing ongoing support throughout projects.

What sorts of matters do you like the most?

I have extensive experience working with leading global technology companies, focusing on data privacy and security. I always like working on those types of matters, both because of the legal issues involved and being able to apply my knowledge and expertise.

What’s a typical day in the life of an Elevate Flexible Lawyer?

It varies, but nearly every day includes a combination of meetings and emails focused on meeting client needs, plus work on ongoing projects. Another aspect of my work – more of a process than a task – is getting to know and understand the client company and its business, history, and culture. That helps put the client’s needs into context and enables me to prioritise them appropriately. It’s a crucial component in providing clients with the greatest possible value.

Do you have any advice for someone thinking about becoming an Elevate Contract Lawyer?

To stand out as a flex lawyer, familiarise yourself quickly with your client’s business needs and what matters to them. That way, you can best support your client in what matters most to them and contribute in ways that help them the most.

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