Modern Slavery Statement

At Elevate Services, Inc. (“Elevate”) and our subsidiaries, we are committed to improving working practices to combat Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and to ensure our supply chain operates ethically under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). This statement sets forth our (i) measures to determine potential Modern Slavery risks and (ii) steps to ensure no Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking in our business or supply chains.

Business and Organisation Structure

Elevate is a law company providing consulting, technology, and services to law departments and law firms. Elevate has affiliates and subsidiary companies across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, including ElevateNext UK Limited and Elevate Legal Services UK, Ltd. in the United Kingdom. Each subsidiary is responsible for managing its supply chain, contractual terms with suppliers, and ensuring adherence to our Modern Slavery Policy.

Supply Chain, Risk Assessment, and Management

Our supply chain mainly consists of professional service providers, legal professionals such as consultants and lawyers, law firms and IT software/hardware suppliers, facilities, and logistics suppliers.

Due to the nature of our business, we believe there is minimal risk of breaches to the Act. We expect our entire supply chain to perform at a high standard, ethically and with professional integrity, and to ensure our subcontractors comply with the legislation.

Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

We continue to monitor our systems, policies, and procedures to ensure no Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking exists in our company or supply chain. Our global Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reflects our commitment to working ethically, in compliance with our core value that “we care.”

If you have questions about this policy, please contact

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

In our continued efforts to identify and mitigate risk, we have implemented the following measures in 2023:

  • Risk Assessments to highlight, assess, and monitor risk in our supply chain, and
  • An Employee Code of Conduct setting forth high standards for conduct and ethical behaviour, which included a copy of our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.


We have communicated this statement and our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy to Elevaters with risk management responsibility. We provide training to all Elevaters to improve the company’s awareness and understanding of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking risks.

Performance Indicators

We have set forth the following key performance indicators in view of the Act:

  • Anti-Modern Slavery training for staff,
  • Evaluating Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking risks for each new supplier, and
  • Conducting supplier audits with a focus on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking risks.

Looking Ahead

In the financial year ending December 31, 2024, we aim to:

  • Continue to assess and evaluate our supply chain for modern slavery and human trafficking risks, and
  • Provide ongoing training on modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our organization, including both new and existing Elevaters.

This statement is made according to section 54(1) of the Act and constitutes Elevate’s Slavery and Human Trafficking statement for the financial year ending December 31, 2023.

Our Board of Directors approved this statement. It is signed on their behalf by Liam Brown, our Chairman and CEO on September 26, 2024.

Liam Brown
Chairman and CEO
Elevate Services, Inc.


View a copy of the 2023 statement
View a copy of the 2022 statement
View a copy of the 2021 statement