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Top HSBC In-house Lawyer Tells Students to Ditch Gap Years and Work at JD Sports Instead

June 15, 2015

I have some sympathy for Sandie Okoro’s comments. I didn’t take a gap year (my parents could never have afforded it) and I was very envious of those in my year at law school who’d had such a wonderful opportunity. I went straight to University at 18, then onwards to College of Law and my training contract. I qualified at the tender age of 24 and, looking back, I was too immature to be undertaking such heavy duty legal work for corporate clients. I found it so so stressful. So, don’t underestimate the “character-building” nature of the gap year. I think I’d have been better prepared for my legal career if I’d had a gap year doing charity work overseas.

Sandie Okoro, the general counsel for HSBC asset management, reckons that top employers have got bored with candidates “who’ve gone off to China and built an orphanage” and instead would prefer someone who has “worked at JD Sports at the weekend to earn some money”.

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