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To Reopen or Not to Reopen – that is the question for colleges.

April 14, 2020

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There are so many crucial decisions that have to be made sooner than later for planning purposes, and when to reopen college campuses in light of COVID-19 is among the most important. Of course the safety of students, faculty and staff is paramount. But there are so many related issues — can physical distancing requirements be accomplished even if it appears relatively safe to reopen campuses in some fashion? What legal ramifications might arise if schools are reopened too soon? What happens if some institutions reopen in the Fall but others don’t?

In his guest blog post this week, ElevateNext’s Phil Harris, a former General Counsel and Trustee of Northwestern University, tackles some of the issues higher ed institutions need to consider when weighing the risks.

Perhaps by Memorial Day, college presidents and their leadership teams will face what will likely be the most important decision of their collective tenures: when to open the dormitories and classrooms on their campuses following the COVID-19 crisis.  Even though we are bombarded with new information each day, it is safe to predict that these decisions will be made with at best imperfect information.

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