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The Microsoft Law Dept Hero’s Journey From ‘Legal Ops’ to ‘Modern Legal’

March 31, 2020

microsoft liam brown legalops legalevolution modernlegal

Jason Barnwell @smuckwell describes how Microsoft is building a modern, digital law department to meet the complex legal needs of an accelerating and dynamic [changing] business, with global scope, at massive scale. His far-reaching article covers the ‘new openness’ of buyers, regulatory change, competition as new suppliers emerge and incumbents respond, and their law dept portfolio of experiments to create an intelligent platform of data and tools (built on the Microsoft platform where possible). But he leads with the importance of culture, built on great stories, to help people embrace change as they find their place in the future. Oh, and we can be heroes!

We hypothesize that transformation efforts must focus on culture first. If culture is not conditioned to receive and support the transformation, people will reject it.

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