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“Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.” Male lawyers’ pay falls.

June 12, 2015

Showing my age here using a 1970s catchphrase from “It ain’t half hot, Mum.” Seriously though, I’m never happy to hear that anyone is experiencing a decrease in income but four things stand out from this report: 1) the shocking £22,200 disparity in average basic salary between male & female lawyers, 2) the depressing finding that men’s bonuses are 66 % higher than women’s, C) the disheartening discovery that 75 % of men receive bonuses but only 58 % of women, BUT D) the welcome prediction that women will achieve pay parity with men in six years time, in 2021!

‘Earning equality between the genders in junior legal positions is widely accepted, with firms across the board having set rates for trainees and newly-qualified associates. However, it is no secret that pay further up the ladder has been subject to a significant gender imbalance over the years, and the news that this is closing is only to be welcomed.’

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