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Know Your Customer Data – Now Available Within Legal Tech

August 23, 2020

legal technology enterprise legal management elm law department law firm nicole giantonio

We’ve all had a browser remind us of a purchase we researched a few weeks back – telling us that it’s fabulous and still available. An example of data, and data insights, enhancing both buying decision and customer experience.

When it comes to legal tech, the industry has resolved many data and research-heavy business problems. Unlike the solutions we use in our business lives and our personal lives: Microsoft Suite, the vast array of Google offerings, Amazon (and their partner companies); legal technology is just scratching the surface with cross solution access to department, firm, and client-specific data. Harnessing this valuable data will enhance the client experience and allow the type of customer and client experience noted in this article about Apple.

Think Matter Management, Legal Project Management, Contracts Management, and the all-important data you house in your organization’s CRM tools. What if these systems could talk to each other effectively, or better yet, operate using a common data model? What would we learn? What could we do to tailor the legal experience to the law department and law firm customer?  How would that show up for law department business stakeholders and law firm clients?

At Elevate, we are investing and launching software tools across the legal ecosystem. A single platform, an ELM (Ecosystem Legal Management) Platform. Each step we take, we enhance our customers’ (and their stakeholders’) experience with a single platform built on a common data model, with machine learning, a unified dashboard, cross-solution reporting, and workflow. We have developed, and are continuing to develop, the solution for your law department and law firm’s digital transformation. ‘Know your customer’ data is now available within Legal Tech.

It really is a brilliant way to use technology to meet a customer where they’re at and deliver exactly the right experience at exactly the right moment.

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