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How the Legal Profession is Evolving

June 21, 2015

There are two standout issues for me in this wide ranging article, “The Evolution of Lawyers and What the Future Holds” by Aaron George.

The first is that BigLaw is losing out to niche firms. That certainly chimes with my experience with Halebury, an alternative law firm and NewLaw pioneer.

The second is the impact of new technology. Whilst it’s surely right that technology could reduce the need to use lawyers, it throws up complex legal and regulatory issues for lawyers to grapple with.

We live in interesting times!

Big Law is losing its stronghold as a result of downward price pressure, giving rise to more boutique firms with a niche focus that can better serve specific types of clients………… .

………………although technology may serve to replace or minimize the role of lawyers in many circumstances, it simultaneously creates the need for increased legal regulation and policymaking, which is often best handled by human legal practitioners.

Consider emerging fields like drones, health sensors, self-driving cars, and 3D printing. These types of new technologies are potentially so powerful that they could forever transform our society. But at the same time, they come with an enormous amount of risk due to the potential for abuse………..policymaking and the regulation of technology are seemingly going to remain highly relevant areas in which human lawyers will be important for years to come.

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