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General Counsel Becoming CEO?

June 16, 2015

In the USA it seems that there is a growing number of CEOs who have a background as in-house counsel. This trend hasn’t started to occur in UK corporations though I do know of two lawyers who have got to CEO level – Rupert Pearce at Inmarsat, and Janet Entwistle, until recently CEO of Knight Square (formerly known as Peverel). Does anyone know of others?

A growing band of general counsel are now climbing the corporate ladder and aspiring to the role of CEO……………According to Law360, other CEOs who started as in-house counsel include Bank of America Corp. Chairman and CEO Brian Moynihan, Pfizer Inc.’s GC-turned-CEO Jeffrey Kindler, who has changed companies but maintained CEO status at Centrexion Corp and Timothy Mayopoulos, Fannie Mae’s CEO since 2012.

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