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Best Firms Offering Women Lawyers Prestige and Pay

June 23, 2015

Good news for some of our American women lawyer friends.

I’d love to see an initiative here in the UK such as that run by the Women in Law Empowerment Forum. I wonder if, just as with the lack of AMLaw 100 firms, we’d find the Magic Circle firms not appearing on such a list?

Thanks to the Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF), we have a way to find out exactly which firms are on top when it comes to offering women attorneys the chance to perform on par with their male colleagues in terms of prestige and pay. WILEF offers Biglaw firms with 300 or more lawyers practising in the U.S. (last year, the cut-off was 200 lawyers) the chance to become Gold Standard-certified, meaning that they must comply with four of six benchmarks meant to drive women lawyers to succeed in business development and leadership roles

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