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A Year’s Worth of Best Practices in a Single Blog Post

December 16, 2024

legal innovation legaltech consulting Flexible legal staffing cost savings artificial intelligence innovation law firm law department legal operations law department consulting contract lifecycle management flexible resourcing best practices discovery Consulting change management contracts general counsel

As an expert-led law company, Elevate strives to provide actionable insight from our Elevate Experts to help law departments and law firms follow best practices across a wide range of their key activities.  In 2024, the following nine posts delivered key dos, don’ts, and steps to take on topics from AI to project management to data migrations – and much more:

How Not to Implement AI in Your Law Department in 2025

Many law departments intend to deploy AI in 2025. But haste is unwise. These five crucial ‘Don’ts’ can make the difference between operational, competitive, and strategic success or failure.

For GCs, a Four-Step Path to Delivering Economic Value to Their Organisations

The best approach to reducing contracts cycle times is not to start on the sales side. It’s far better to take a comprehensive, strategic, and GC-led four-step route proven to reduce cycle time by 10% (or more!).

How to Stop Culture from Devouring Your Law Firm’s Strategic Initiatives

Law firm strategic initiatives that do not address changing a firm’s culture court failure. For a firm’s leaders to effect the cultural changes essential for any strategic initiative to succeed, they must attend to four critical items.

The Three-Phased Approach to Getting Data Migrations Right

Conceptualising migrations as a series of three phases provides a straightforward and uncomplicated framework to ensure a seamless, complete, and smooth migration.

Project Management Strategies for Law Departments

Law department project management need not be complicated. Success requires a focused, comprehensive, consistent approach that integrates five key strategies.

Six Steps for General Counsels to Add Business Value – Part I, Part II, and Part III

Six actions enable GCs to increase efficiency and help law departments do more with less and, above all, deliver greater business value. 

How to Cost-Effectively Work with an ALSP

When using flex talent from an ALSP, the most cost-effective approach – as far as engagement model and payment structure – depends on the particular challenges you face.

Stay tuned in 2025 for more helpful guidance from Elevate Experts!

In 2024, these nine posts delivered key dos, don’ts, and steps to take on topics from AI to project management to data migrations – and much more.

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