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In-house Lawyers and NewLaw – Not Yet a Marriage Made in Heaven?

June 22, 2015

At Halebury we’ve certainly experienced a great deal of receptivity from in-housers to our alternative NewLaw service model, so I was surprised to read the results of The Lawyer’s Business Leadership support that many in-house lawyers remain reluctant to go down the NewLaw route. More to be done, perhaps, to convince those not yet using us!

A growing number of in-house lawyers are preparing to make significant changes to their teams this year based on the availability of alternative legal services suppliers, today’s Business Leadership report has found.

Yet in spite of this, there are clear indications that many in-house lawyers remain reluctant to take advantage of new and potentially time-saving services offered to them, even though the overwhelming majority say their businesses expect them and their teams to deliver more for less.

………………the research among a wide cross-section of the in-house market……aimed to assess if there had been a step change in the legal market in terms of the services that clients are being offered and are using.

The indications from the results are that the answer to both questions is “no”, or more accurately, not yet.

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